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Wcashless is a cashless, wristband & contactless payment solutions system hosted on the AWS cloud with real time guests’ payments & balances.




November 2019


Alpha Cogs

Wcashless pay with wandoOs

We helped Wandoora to develop a cashless payment system for travelers.

Our skillful technical team implemented a full cashless system (backend and App) allowing tourists to enjoy events, services and their holidays without worrying about carrying cash. 

WandoOs are travel coins for cashless use. Customers will be issued with a wristband or by using the wcashless Digital wallet while in attendance to one of many events they support. 

Wcacheless allows to top up wandoOs in the app and users can pay simply tapping wristband on the devices to pay. 

This goes a long way to promote tourism in Tulum and Mexico as there is an increasing number of bars, restaurants, small businesses and events that are using Wandoora’s wcashless in their establishments.


AWS Cloud
React Native

Wcashless is a cashless, wristband & contactless payment solutions system hosted on the AWS cloud with real time guests’ payments & balances.


Wcashless for Business


November 2019


Alpha Cogs

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