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Alpha Cogs took the spotlight amidst top-tier agencies in AI, Gen AI, and VR, showcasing cutting-edge tech tailored for the Fashion and Luxury realm.


Alpha Cogs


April 2024


Nicola Cogotti

Fashion and innovation meet in the Rinnasciment Capital of Florence where the brightest minds in Tech and the biggest artists in Fashion and Luxury are shaping what is coming

Revolutionizing Fashion: The Role of AI and Industry Leaders at e-Pitti Summer



In the bustling capital of Rinashment city, Florence, the fashion and design industry recently witnessed a convergence of minds at the ePitti summer event. A key focus of this gathering was the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in reshaping the landscape of fashion. Industry leaders, including Alpha Cogs and representatives from renowned brands like Guess and Scarpe e Scarpe, came together to explore how AI can be harnessed to address pressing challenges and drive positive change within the sector.




One of the primary concerns addressed at the event was the detrimental impact of fast fashion on both the environment and society. Brands such as Guess showcased their commitment to transparency and ethical production practices, signaling a shift towards a more sustainable future. By leveraging AI, brands can effectively mitigate the damages caused by fast fashion, optimizing production processes and fostering greater accountability throughout the supply chain.

Vodafone also made a significant contribution by demonstrating how their vast reservoir of data can be utilized to inform decision-making and strategy development for fashion and luxury brands. Emphasizing the importance of privacy and data protection, Vodafone showcased their robust anonymization protocols, ensuring compliance with legal regulations while harnessing the power of data-driven insights.




Moreover, the integration of AI into marketing campaigns and production strategies emerged as a potential solution to the negative impacts of fast fashion. By leveraging advanced technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality, brands can create immersive experiences that resonate with consumers on a deeper level, fostering emotional connections and brand loyalty.

Leaders within the industry recognize the urgent need to address the unsustainable consumption patterns that dominate the fashion market. The overexploitation of resources such as water, land, and air necessitates a paradigm shift towards more responsible practices. AI presents a revolutionary opportunity to optimize resource utilization while minimizing environmental impact, thereby paving the way for a more sustainable future.




In addition to addressing environmental concerns, industry leaders are championing the revival of "slow fashion." This movement advocates for a return to craftsmanship and individuality, rejecting the mass production model in favor of personalized, high-quality garments. Technology plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between tradition and innovation, making the joy of bespoke clothing accessible to a digital-savvy generation.




A 360 view of the summit

For this occasion, we have used our 360 camera equipment to try to give a different angle of the event to our readers. 

Fashion was in every corner and only a full 360 camera could get the essence of the summit. We hope you will enjoy this little one-minute tour around the ePitti summit.




In summary, the e-Pitti summer event served as a catalyst for innovation within the fashion industry, highlighting the transformative potential of AI and technological advancements. By embracing AI-driven solutions, industry leaders are poised to revolutionize every aspect of the fashion ecosystem, from production and distribution to marketing and consumer engagement. Through collaborative efforts and a commitment to sustainability, the fashion industry is poised to usher in a new era of responsible and ethical practices, ensuring a brighter future for both the planet and its inhabitants.

Alpha Cogs took the spotlight amidst top-tier agencies in AI, Gen AI, and VR, showcasing cutting-edge tech tailored for the Fashion and Luxury realm.


Alpha Cogs


April 2024


Nicola Cogotti

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